Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Should I or Shouldn't I?

It's been a rough week for me and my energy levels have been pretty low due to PMS. I'm not sure if I am imagining this, but I don't think that I was as bitchy this month as I have been the other months. Maybe it's the exercise! Nonetheless, I had low energy levels and I over ate every fatty and salty thing in sight.

I conducted a three-day presentation and it was excruciatingly difficult for me to to exercise after an entire day of standing in front of forty people all day long. Monday I did nothing. Last night I managed to walk only 30 min, although my marathon walking schedule stipulates that I am supposed to walk 3 miles at a brisk pace. Tonight I am supposed to have 2o-30 minutes of cross-training, which I haven't done.

Now I can feel that my period is coming on, and the cramps are starting to kick in. Should I go outside for 20 minutes and take a quick stroll to try to dissipate the cramps? Should I risk walking outside alone at dark? What about the wildfires-is it even healthy for me to be outside walking? This morning I came outside of my house and there was a fine coat of ash on my car, although the fires are 30 miles away to the east and 60 miles to the west of me.

Now I'm stuck in a dilemma. I know that I probably shouldn't walk outside alone at night. Last night I walked around the park at 8 at night, but I was with my boyfriend and it is in more of a rural area as opposed to my urban area. I also suspect that I shouldn't be walking outside with the poor air quality.

So I suppose I just won't exercise, because I am one of those people who hates exercising inside my house, and I haven't renewed my gym membership yet.

Oh well, I won't fret. At least I walked 30 minutes yesterday as opposed to nothing at all. I'll just have to make sure that tomorrow I walk the three miles that I am supposed to walk on Thursdays.

It's a lot harder than I thought to jump into a six days a week walking schedule, when I am not accustomed to walking on a consistent basis in the first place. So, I am going to be okay with not completely following the six day schedule, and I'll just try to work on being more consistent with walking for four days a week. When I have that under my belt, I can conquer the two days of cross-training!!

Maybe instead of doing my cross-training tonight I should actually register for the Honolulu marathon online!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job walking the 30 minutes the day before. I understand that you are not accustomed to walking so consistently in the first place, but I think you are doing amazing! Look at what you are doing now versus before!!!


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